The absolute worst - isn't it?
I swear it's in the air these days 😤
To fathom the weight of anxiety's power over someone is inconceivable - it legitimately affects our nervous, cardiovascular, digestive, immune, and respiratory systems.
You don't need to be a scientist to recognize - to endure it daily can take an undeniable toll on your body 😔
But - that's why we discuss it!
Believe me - going on month two of a new job, writing a 2nd book, and considering calling a new place "home" any day now...You could say it's strikingly fresh in my mind 😅
So, with that said...
Here are five ways to kick anxiety to the curb (that have worked for me!)🦵🏽
There's no sugar-coating here.
None of us are experts, no matter how much anxiety we endure.
Doesn't seem fair, am I right? 😩
Though, we can always share what works for us! 👏🏼
As Ted Lasso says:
"Taking on a challenge is a lot like riding a horse, isn't it? If you're comfortable while you're doing it, you're probably doing it wrong."
Maybe what works for me might work for you! So - let's dive in 🌊
Here is what's been working for me & my loved ones lately 👇🏼
Shake off the Nerves
No, really! Shake them away 👋🏼
Before an intimidating call or conversation, why not:
Engage in a brief (but powerful) 5-10 min workout?
Acknowledge your previous accomplishments?
Dress to Impress?
Overall, remember that you've conquered this feeling once before...
And you'll do it again 👊🏼
Keep in mind that these thoughts are irrational (and we all have them!)
Do your best to draw the line between fact & fiction ✍🏼
Sure, you might have a paramount presentation on Monday, but is the audience honestly hoping for your failure?
In most cases, the answer is an obvious "no." A majority of the time, you're simply overthinking 😌
Nourish Your Brain
Ever heard of brain foods?
Eggs, tuna, and salads are great examples of brain boosters 🧠
Even if they don't make you feel more confident, they'll still:
Offer plenty of healthy vitamins
Improve your memory
Enhance your mood
& more!
On top of a grocery list, you can also upgrade your mind with:
Rhythmic Breathing
Or a simple walk in nature 🌲
Remember 💡
There comes a certain point where we are no longer productive.
It took me a lifetime to learn, but...⬇️
Take care of yourself in order to live your best life for others!
Play a Character
I do this far more than I'd care to openly admit.
But I'm not always the person that I need to be. I cannot always advocate for myself in the ways that I deserve. And - I've been obsessed with tv/film for as long as I can remember. And nothing helped me through a moment of deep anxiety than stepping into another person's shoes 👟
If you use this method effectively, you cease to be yourself! The sky becomes the limit - use your imagination 🚀
You can instantly change to countless admirable folks, from sitcom characters to your next-door neighbor!
Keep in mind - these ideas are not everyone's cup of tea ☕
So, here are a few additional possibilities:
Motivational Videos
(What pumps you up?)
Only you know what will push you the most!
Here's my go-to 😊
Sound Frequencies
Find your favorite & run with it! 🏃
Catchy Sing-Alongs
It's said that the most effective way to dismiss anxiety is to sing or hum 🎶
Make a playlist of tunes that are practically impossible for you to listen to without joining in!
Here's mine to start you off 😊
Create Anticipation
Everyone feels more confident with genuine excitement for an upcoming event!
What's a time that you felt delightedly happy? (A wedding? A reunion? A deep conversation with a friend?) 🤗
Follow-up Question: Are you able to replicate those feelings again?
Take those feelings & hold onto them for your next moment of panic!
Suddenly, you're smiling - reminiscing - daydreaming...All the good things 😊
But you're certainly not nervous!
If it helps, think of the fact that your brain is physically unable to tell the difference between excitement & anxiety!
So...why not take control and be excited instead? 🤩
Dive Into a Project
What's a task that you'd like to accomplish unrelated to your anxiety?
Whether running a marathon, learning a recipe, making a playlist, or bingeing a new series, losing yourself in a project is a fantastic hack to distract your mind!
I adore a brief escape into a number of series & sitcoms under a weighted blanket 😍
Find what works well for you and stick to it 😌
You owe it to yourself!
Let's Recap
Anxiety is a tricky thing.
But just like a new relationship, job opportunity, or a significant life change:
It's manageable with the right approach & perspective!
Heck - that's a reminder that truly couldn't be overstated.
But I digress ...
If you feel that you need professional help, psychotherapy is an incredible tool that I cannot speak more highly of. Here's a quick video on CBT - a therapy that I started back in 2018 (and it worked wonders!) ✨
Lastly, we need to remember -
In moments of rampant, distracting thoughts...
Every outcome that petrifies us is just a possibility (one of many!)
Just like your presentation might end in chaos, it also holds an equal probability of turning out a vibrant success 🏆
Never forget that we're our own worst critics! So - don't let anxiety take the wheel ❌
We're all far more capable than we think we are ✅
If you didn't know that before, I hope you do now 💖
Thanks so much for sticking with me, readers & friends!
Until next time,
I'll be posting again real, real soon 😊